Pete Hoekstra, the sponsor of the
Parental Rights Amendment shares his view on Obama's speech to students and the prospective teaching plan laid out by the department of education as it relates to parental issues.
Pete's Perspective: Obama Lesson Plan Leaves Out Parents
Next Tuesday, President Obama will address K-12 students in America on the importance of education. It is not unusual for Presidents to engage children, but President Obama has circumvented superintendents and school boards across the country by sending lesson plans to principals and teachers to accompany his address.
While some may see this as harmless, the Administration has once again revealed its fundamentally flawed philosophy on government’s role in education - and our lives generally. The desire to influence and preempt local control of schools is evident in the classroom activities the Administration has put together for the President’s address. He not only establishes the content, but how it should be taught in the classroom by teachers. Rather than use his platform to promote parental involvement and collaboration in children’s educations, the President presumes the same Washington-knows-best philosophy that has plagued our education system for far too long.
I have continuously advocated for a school system based upon parental and local control. Parents do not need the White House and Department of Education to come between the values they have taught their children at home. Parents are not only responsible for educating but also imparting the values they believe their children will need to be successful students and citizens.
I am opposed to the federal government further entering our schools. Congress needs to restore local control of education to parents and local education officials.
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